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What is Labiaplasty? Bogota Medellin Barranquilla

Writer's picture: Administrador RedesAdministrador Redes

Do your genitals make you uncomfortable with underwear, when you exercise, or with sexual relations? Don't you like the look of your genitals? Do you think your lips are bigger than normal? You can suffer from hypertrophy of the labia minora, this can be solved with labiaplasty. There are genetic causes that can make you more prone to growth of the labia minora (the inner labia). There are also acquired causes, including chronic irritation, exogenous hormonal treatments or trauma from tight clothing. What is Labiaplasty? We have surgical services in Bogota, Medellin and Barranquilla Labiaplasty, nymphoplasty or labia minora reduction is a surgical technique that allows you to correct, reduce and modify the shape of the lips to obtain a better appearance and greater symmetry. Asymmetry or hypertrophy of the labia minora can cause discomfort when playing some type of sport, wearing tight clothing, and lack of confidence, as well as complexes for women during intimate relationships. The solution is simple and highly satisfactory for you. What is nymphoplasty surgery like? For labiaplasty, nymphoplasty or labia minora reduction, the surgical technique may vary, depending on the clinical case and the preoperative assessment. It involves carefully trimming excess tissue and achieving the desired look and size using delicate suturing. Resorbable stitches are used that will fall on their own to avoid discomfort when removing them. What is anesthesia and post-operative care like? INABILITY 2 to 5 days, sexual activity in this area should be suspended for 3 to 4 weeks. What is the cost or price? Cost of the assessment per specialist is $170,000 (Virtual or In-Person) The cost of this procedure depends on the characteristics of each patient and a set of factors that must be analyzed by the specialist in the assessment consultation. It is very important that Dr. Amy evaluates you and analyzes whether this procedure is the most suitable for you, then with adequate advice and professional indication, the price of the procedure will be specified in the consultation.



Dra Amy Barreto 
Blefaroplastia Abdominoplastia Liposuccion Mastopexia
Lifting facial Labioplastia Lipomas Cirugia Varices

Hernia Stripping Vein Surgery Medical Tourism Colombia

Medellin  Torre Medical - Calle 7 No 39 - 107 Torre Medical Consultorio 1306, Medellín, Antioquia                         Tel +57 604 4947348  Cel. 310 347 8115 Whatsapp Citas +57 313 608 1217 +57 310 710 8853

Bogota Centro Medico Vitale, Cra. 7 Bis #124 - 56 Consultorio 504, Usaquén, Bogotá, Cundinamarca Whatsapp Citas +57 313 6081217 - +57 310 7108853

B/quilla Sector Buenavista  - Cra. 52c #96 - 25, Riomar, Consultorio1, Barranquilla, Atlántico .
Whatsapp Citas +57 310 7108853

U.S.   Partners Aesthetic Physician -  Wellness Aesthetics 
9822   2nd   Ave,  Suite #4, Miami Shores, FL 33138
Whatsapp + 1  786 663 0162


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