Dra Amy Barreto
Cirujana General & Estética
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+57 313 608 1217
+57 310 710 8853
Bogota - Medellin - B/quilla
Valoración Esp. Cirujana
Virtuales - Presencial
"Practica Médica y Quirúrgica con Calidad, Calidez y Honestidad"
Blefaroplastia - Abdominoplastia - Liposucción - Mastopexia - Lifting facial
Labioplastia - Lipomas - Cirugía Varices - Rejuvenecimiento Facial - Laser
Tummy Tuck With Hernia Repair
Medical Tourism en Medellin, Barranquilla y Bogota
Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure of reconstruction of the abdominal wall, which consists of removing excess skin, excess fat and tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall with the ultimate goal of remodeling the abdomen, waist and shape of the trunk of the body. The Virtual medical appointment $ 40 Dolar (USD) Surgeon Dra Amy Barreto.
Can You Perform A Tummy Tuck With Hernia Repair?
The short answer is yes. A tummy tuck can be performed with hernia repair. So, much like strengthening and tightening your stomach, a tummy tuck can similarly correct an umbilical hernia or ventral hernia. The upper and lower abdomens are tightened during surgery. An incision is made around the belly button and extends to both sides of the hip, beneath the panty line. Once the skin and tissue are lifted, your surgeon performs the hernia repair. They will push the protruding organ back behind the abdominal wall. The abdominal muscles are tightened and excess tissue is removed. Final results can address weakened abdominal muscles and reduce pressure and discomfort on your skin.
Can You Perform A Tummy Tuck With Hernia Repair?
Surgical Group Specialized in Abdominal Wall and Peritoneum with Experience, Responsibility and Talent necessary to carry out Liposuction Surgeries, Laser Liposuction, Liposculpture with Gluteal Augmentation, and Abdominoplasty. Always guaranteeing two (2) Surgical Specialists; Surgeon General and Plastic Surgeon experts in Abdominal Wall and an Anesthesiologist available to the patient taking care of their health, physical integrity and well-being. Our attention is personalized and always applying the most advanced and strict medical protocols for patient safety.
Our Medical Professionals are duly registered in the National Registry of Human Talent in Health (RETHUS), certified and authorized by the Ministry of Health and the Sectional Direction of Health of Antioquia (DSSA).
Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure of reconstruction of the abdominal wall, which consists of removing excess skin, excess fat and tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall with the ultimate goal of remodeling the abdomen, waist and shape of the trunk of the body.
Pregnancies and weight fluctuations tend to leave the abdomen with great flaccidity and multiple striae that can be corrected by abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure whose purpose is to remove excess skin and fat from the entire abdomen and contour the wall musculature abdominal. This procedure can drastically reduce the bulging aspect of the abdomen, remove the stretch marks and previous scars that are below the navel, in return, the appearance of the abdomen is flat, closes the waist and the resulting scar depends on the amount of skin left over.
Approximate cost: 6 to 8 million pesos, depending on the characteristics of each patient and their individual needs.
Surgical Group Evaluation of Specialists (General and Aesthetic Surgeon, Plastic Surgeon, Anesthesiologist and Aesthetic Medicine).
Cost of clinic / Operating room ENABLED AND DSSA CERTIFICATES.
Medical fees.
Post-operative medical controls for one year.
Surgical Medias Antithrombus.
Policies and Medical Insurance.
CALLE 23 SUR 42 B 63 Envigado - Antioquia
Cl. 11A Sur #44-23, Medellín, Antioquia
Av. 33 #76-65, Medellín, Antioquia
CALLE 23 SUR 42 B 63 Envigado - Antioquia